Sactown Urban Update

Sactown Urban Update

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Downtown is Reconnecting to the Riverfront!

Two riverfront connections getting a major upgrade.

#SACTOWNURBANUPDATE: Sacramento  City is well under way with it's Riverfront Re-connection project that will greatly improve access between the popular local and visitor destinations of Downtown, Capitol Mall, Old Town and the Crocker Art Museum.  Costing $13.5 million in local and federal matching funds the project is scheduled to be completed by late summer/early fall 2016.

Capitol Mall at Tower Bridge will feature wider sidewalks and improved landscaping; a new entrance to Old Town is being built for pedestrians, bikes and autos that will connect with 2nd Street.

Likely look of new Old Town/Capital Mall connector looking South
The O Street Bridge by the Crocker Art Museum will also feature wider sidewalks and a new railing to encourage pedestrian flow between Crocker and the Riverfront.

Construction is scheduled Monday through Friday and on 3 weekends in the fall, but not during special events in Old Town.

For Construction Detour information visit this map or the City's project site for more details.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Spring is springing in Urban gardens!

Spring is here, and so are thoughts of urban gardens!  If you've wondered about how to grow something edible in your urban space here are some sources for ideas.

It's time to Grow Up!  I mean grow vertically as in Urban Gardening:

Only have a patio?  Check on these patio gardening ideas  And, good gardening means composting:
  Are you kidding?  This is a composter!

One excellent source for city dwellers is composting 101; and if you want to know how composting works take a look too at these tips for urban composting

And, get growing!

Image sources: Urban Gardening Online (herb pots), Darby Minow Smith (composter)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Convention Center/Community Theater: Starting over is just not an option...

As presented to the DSP Board this morning, building a new Theater just does not make financial (or common) sense when the existing Theater and Convention Center have "good bones" and a PRIME location.

A location that anchors and ties together the emerging districts from the Riverfront to Midtown.

AND, there may be bond money to help finance the project!

Read All About it...

Image(s) courtesy of SBJ

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We rent zip cars, why not zap* bikes to rent? JDI!

The Sacto Flatlands?  For cyclists it's the Badlands!  ...and a bike rental program is in the news again!

Anyone who has attempted the masochistic exercise of biking downtown knows it can be hazardous to their health.  These brave souls encounter bike lanes that truncate between Midtown and Downtown, lanes that squeeze you past obstacles and a patchwork of bike lanes (euphemistically called a network).

The League of American Cyclists rated Sactown one rank above the bottom.  See last year's Dismal bike safety rating.  And yet we're ranked # 8 by Forbes in their 2015 Published Survey.

But maybe there's hope (there is ALWAYS hope!) The city wants to further encourage the use of bicycles by installing a bike rental program.  Perhaps this will be the impetus to deal with the mess we have now.  Maybe we're almost there, just need to ZAP into action! *

I agree with the SacBee Board - just do it (JDI!)  Here's what the they had to say about a
bike sharing service

[* ZAP:  A sudden effect or event that makes a dramatic impact...]

image by Craig Ruttle, AP