Sactown Urban Update

Sactown Urban Update

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sacramento’s Community Center & Theater District, (CC&T) “the ugly, the bad and the good?” [Part two of two]

Making Urban Living more livable. 

The Community Center & Theater is currently underutilized and as the DT core gets re-invigorated, CC&T will get further out of step with the times.  Some of Sacramento’s business leaders have been considering alternatives for the CC&T.  Part one looked at the options of 1) make do and, 2) look for a new site.  This post looks at the “make over” alternative.

A MAKE OVER – SCRAPE verses SCRAP (the good?)  (Part two of two)
There are proposals being considered to “Repurpose” the existing Community Center and Theater to better meet current and emerging demand.  A Scrape verses Scrap discussion.  Why scrap (get rid of it) what we have when we can scrape (remove a layer or so) and rebuild anew?  There are (at least) three ways to go (and it’s all about the best bang for the buck, really).

THE MINIMUM.  One approach is to do the minimum by updating the interiors and addressing the ADA issues which apparently are mostly around the exterior of these properties.  But this approach will not address the current and future missing potential of improving bookings and revenues.

REFURBISH.  Another idea, a bit more assertive, is to refurbish the existing buildings, including addressing ADA issues, and add a larger exhibit space/ballroom to accommodate larger events; perhaps something dramatic like adding this grand room on top of the existing theater with great westward views of the capital and Downtown!

REBUILD/REPURPOSE. But a really aggressive, (enlightened?) approach calls for a major do-over.  Scrape off the old and build in its place a newer, multi-use facility.  The technology is out there to turn the CC&T into a state of the art center where many alternative floor plans can be created, giving the facility the ability to host several small events or one large one.  There’s nothing like this yet in the US, but Europe has several very fine examples of what can be done to make a public asset a more flexible and productive one.  Of course, newer technology comes with a price so this approach will cost more than other methods being considered and may mean that theater productions need to be relocated or eliminated during part of what is imagined to be a 3 or 4 year renovation.

There’s a lot to think about but business leaders and the Mayor’s Task Force are working on these ideas; and I hope they keep their eye on the prize(s): keeping in step with the times, improving the CC&T’s connection to Downtown and Midtown, and making urban living more livable!

NEXT UP: What’s being done about the SRO issue?  (Perhaps more than you think)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sacramento’s Community Center & Theater District, (CC&T) “the ugly, the bad and the good?” [Part one of two]

Making Urban Living more livable. 

The Community Center & Theater is underutilized and has ADA issues, especially around the exterior, AND, as the DT core gets re-invigorated, CC&T will get further out of step with the times.  Some of Sacramento’s business leaders have been looking to the future and considering alternatives.  Those alternatives at present are: 1) make do 2) look for a new site, 3) do a makeover in place.  What might be called the ugly, the bad and the good!  This blog looks at the “make do” and the “new site” options; part two will look at the “make over” alternative.

MAKE DO. (The ugly?) What’s wrong with the way it is?  Many are saying that the Community Center, (AKA the Convention Center), is just not competitive for visiting conventions and shows.  And the Theater is outdated for modern performances fitting for a region of our size.  The city may even be losing patrons to Folsom’s Harris Center for the Arts or Davis’ Mondavi Center.  And Sacramento is losing trade show business to San Jose and San Diego who have modern convention facilities.  That, plus a lack of adequate hotel room space means we are losing visitors and the revenue they generate.  Plus the locals may have a lower level of performing arts than is possible.  Yes we can make do; and continue to loose revenue and enlightenment opportunities.

A NEW LOCATON. (the bad?)
Another idea is to simply look for a new place to build a modern Community Center and Theater.  But it seems to me that the present location, virtually across from the Capital and centered between Downtown and Midtown IS the ideal location. A new site may not be the best approach what with land acquisition and building costs; plus if that new site where in the DT core it may take an opportunity away from building something else new and exciting that people would want to go to.  Another draw to our core!  Admittedly, my perspective is perhaps a bit skewed since I come from a city where the town hall was reputedly rebuilt in the 1200’s but it appears to just make more sense to me to reuse (and re purpose) what we already have.

Next up: A MAKE OVER – SCRAPE verses SCRAP (the good?)… Proposals to “Re purpose” the existing Community Center and Theater…